
Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.

Environmental Sunday Creation... a sign to manifest and share God’s Glory FEW BASIC THOUGHTS... God created the world to manifest and share His glory to the world. This means that the entire universe came into being and existence as a result of God’s love. This Love is a divine experience. God’s creation inform s that NON-VIOLENCE IS A FUNDAMENTAL REALITY . When we go back in time, the Gods and old myths, had brought Order, through violence – by conquering other gods also by wrestling something into submission. Violence leading to Order is the old way. God creates (Latin) ex nihilo - out of nothing, but through a generous magnanimous non-violent act. God brings the world into existence through the utterance of his Words & through His act of love. Secondly, whether we like it or not we are CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER . Relationships matter: We are all linked with each other through creation – that we share. What connects us is always powerful and basic than what divides us. We are sis...

Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.

2nd Sunday after Pentecost: WISDOM ... from above: Proverbs 2: 4-7 A young and new bank manager made an appointment to meet his predecessor who was retiring – to seek advice for his new responsibilities. He asked his predecessor, “how did you become so successful?” his predecessor looked at him and said “towards good decisions.” The young manager continued, “Well how does one come to make good decisions?” the predecessor replied “experience”. The bank manager asked again, “then how does one gain experience?” the predecessor answered, “bad decisions.” Our life is full of decisions. Many of us are tired of making bad ones. Have we ever seen anybody who has been satisfied with his/her decisions? The CAPACITY TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS is what the bible calls as wisdom. The ability to choose well, the biblical word is wisdom. SPIRITUAL WISDOM Proverbs 1:7 says “the FEAR OF THE LORD is the beginning of knowledge But fools despise wisdom and instruction”. V.20 “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she ra...

Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.

  TRINITY SUNDAY             A loving Father whose occupation was a professional doctor one day came home from work. As he walks through the doors of his home the toddler son who was feeling not very well, jumps into his daddy’s arms saying “Doctor please heal me”. The Father responded in his loving voice “Son you are mistaken. Doctor is what I do, but Father is WHO I am”.            In Christian circles, Trinity is known as the preacher’s nightmare. Today,  we briefly reflect on WHO God is.  God is the Holy Trinity. God the Father, God the son and God the Spirit - God in three persons. What does the word ‘person’ mean?  If we ask God what are you? The answer would be, I am God and I am Divine referring to His nature. If we raise the question WHO are you? Then the answer would be,  I am Father, Son and Holy Spirit - referring to His person which is plural. what we call the Holy Trinity. Tri-Un...

Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.

PENTECOST SUNDAY A brief reflection:  Pentecost Sunday signifies the birth of the Church. This Sunday is profoundly significant for millions of Christians in the world. In my reflection today, we discuss on the NATURE of the Church. In the words of the Creed towards the end we utter the following words. “... We believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church...“. Let us see this in depth.   The Church is ONE                Jesus gathers his disciples on the upper room and unites them all in prayer. They are one. Jesus prayed that they might be united. We see this clearly in John 1: 20-23. When we commune we are strengthened and we are also powerful when we are UNITED IN PRAYER. Disunity in the Church constitutes a source of scandal. The unity of the Church is the symbol of ecumenical enrichment and diversity. Spiritual life is never only lived individually – it is a corporate communion which is always in unity with ...


WORLD PEACE DAY WISHES TO ALL. Peace and Conflict Resolution - Abram model: Towards a Borderless Church The word conflict suggests that something is not right. Who has to 'right' the 'wrong'?  Is it possible for us to live a life in this world of distractions, disturbances, stress, strain and conflict? We combat conflict almost every day than never before. This occurrence of conflict is increasing by the day.   The people in the world would like to preserve paraphernalia, have all things, get several gifts, own whatever is possible - and keep them for our selves. We desire what we want and not what we NEED. This gives us temporary pleasure and never a permanent joy. It only creates more tension and stress that eventually affects our thought process and behavior and ends in conflict. How do we resolve this issue? What method we want to use to resolve? Here is a masterstroke from Abram on this subject: MONEY AND MATERIALISM   Abram departs from Egypt along with his nep...

Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.

TRUE BUILDER: Acting upon the Word of God Equipping the People of God: (6th Sunday after Pentecost)   A brief reflection on Matt 7: 24-29   The parable of the builders comes at the end of the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest preacher ever - Jesus. These Parables help us to understand with clarity, the theology behind Jesus words. Therefore we have the Parable of the Builders, for today's  meditation.   MERETRICIOUS... never a builder: We listen to Christian radio programmes, watch Christian TV, and listen to the sermon every Sunday. That is wonderful. We feel happy and satisfied about the sermon. We appreciate the preacher. All that is fine! But, nothing changes. Rivalry continues. Hatred increases. Relationships are cut-off and there is more unrest and untold suffering, discrimination's  prevail, war continues and the earth is plundered: All what we listen, hear and read is information and knowledge and this is not just enough. This ...

Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, Bishop in Coimbatore.

REWARD AND PUNISHMENT Our Understanding of God as in the Parable of Talents 5th Sunday after Pentecost   A brief reflection on Matt 25, 14-30   If our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is forgiving and gracious, then why punish? If so, it undermines our understanding of God.   The faithful are rewarded and the unfaithful are punished. Here the third servant captures our attention. What did he do? Indeed the first one RESPONDED IMMEDIATELY to do business with their talents and gained a 100 percent profit, but the third servant… digs a hole in the ground to hide his master’s talent. Why?   I shall come to that in a minute. Just as there were no instructions in Matt. 25:15, there is no mention here of what business enterprise yielded the first two servants their respective profits. Let me now try to unpack a bundle of three arguments for better clarity:   INQUIRY…   Good Steward: Wise investment The master arrives after a long absence, and the se...