Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, C S I Bishop in Coimbatore.
TRUE BUILDER: Acting upon the Word of God Equipping the People of God: (6th Sunday after Pentecost) A brief reflection on Matt 7: 24-29 The parable of the builders comes at the end of the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest preacher ever - Jesus. These Parables help us to understand with clarity, the theology behind Jesus words. Therefore we have the Parable of the Builders, for today's meditation. MERETRICIOUS... never a builder: We listen to Christian radio programmes, watch Christian TV, and listen to the sermon every Sunday. That is wonderful. We feel happy and satisfied about the sermon. We appreciate the preacher. All that is fine! But, nothing changes. Rivalry continues. Hatred increases. Relationships are cut-off and there is more unrest and untold suffering, discrimination's prevail, war continues and the earth is plundered: All what we listen, hear and read is information and knowledge and this is not just enough. This ...