Rt. Rev. Timothy Ravinder, Bishop in Coimbatore.

Believing in Christ: The Way

4th Sunday after Easter

Reflection on John 14, 1-7


Let not your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14, 1 ESV)




The trouble in the minds of the disciples, troubles Jesus. The disciples had to trust in God even when they could not find his reasons: Jesus is the I AM: He told bereaving Martha (John 11, 25-26) that he was the Resurrection of Life and those who believed in him would live even though they died. For Jesus, Gethsemane experience was awful. He could not keep the thought of the gruesome prospect of the Cross, out of his mind. In faith he pulled on. We have similar situations - TROUBLED HEARTS here. We are anxious, worried and confused. Apart from other worries, the novel virus COVID 19 is spreading and the DANGER IS GROWING (Antonio Guterres, UN Chief) - even globally. Climate change makes the virus more hospitable (Alanna Shaikh) and the evasions and our dishonesty makes it difficult to track the outbreak. We are seeing cases of transmission are not from returning from travel…, we watch people contract with COVID 19 when we do not even know where it comes from. These are signs of an outbreak GETTING WORSE and not an outbreak that is under control. Our burden is heavy: Like Jesus, we need to pull on trusting in God.

Jesus strengthens us when he says “Let not your hearts be troubled”. Becoming a believer is easy but BEING a believer is challenging.




Again Jesus comforts the troubled hearts of the disciples, „I am preparing a place for you”; to this Philip questions, “Lord we do not know where you are going…” and Jesus answer: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. Jesus is the Way to the Father. When we delve deep, we see the “SELF-SACRIFICE” that guides our way forward, particularly in this time of crisis. We need more pro-activity than reactivity - Targeted Testing, Rapid Tracing and Determined Isolating. Though our (India) effort is to mitigate strategies to suppress transmission, we have to do much more on this. Look at Thailand. It is minimizing impact with simple procedures. Their deaths are low, 55. United, world leaders and Nations should coordinate this, which is a huge challenge to global leadership. Now, we know 'The Way’ there is a window of opportunity. BELIEVE IN GOD and respond rapidly putting our complete trust in the Resurrected Lord and continue to PRAY to ‘know’ the Way and to believe in it. JESUS IS THE WAY and he is not going to leave us alone. He promised “I will come back to you”


PLEASE... Do not touch your face, do not rub your eyes, do not bite your finger nails and do not wipe your nose with the back of your hand. Thank you.


A first millennium parish experience: (Anthony Mc-Carten)

There was a funeral in the Church… (do imagine a medieval church); Everyone is weeping with tears running down their faces - except one man. The priest notices that this one man is not crying and at the end of the Funeral Service, he goes up to the man and asks, “Did you know the dead man?” The man said, “Yes, I do”. But why are you not crying?” To this, the man answered, "Well, I would have, but I do not belong to this Parish”.


God bless, be safe. AMEN.


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